In 2007 we worked in two different places: on Beringa Island (Commander Islands) and in our usual study site in Avacha Gulf (Southeast Kamchatka). Work at Beringa Island was conducted with the help of Commander State Reserve.
Land-based observations of cetaceans.
Preparing the equipment for underwater acoustic monitoring of killer whales.
Poludennaya bay where our field camp was situated.
Integral - the male which we met both at Kamchatka and Commander Islands. In July we started the work on Zeleny Cape in Avacha Gulf.
The team of Zeleny Cape
Several tmes we saw multigroup aggregations where orcas socialize and probably mate.
In this season we encountered a young walrus in Avacha Gulf. Usuallu walruses don't come so far south.
Wild fox often visited us and catched his prey around our camp.